vendredi 11 octobre 2013

                             Internship goals

- Language goals

First of all, for this internship I hope to accomplish something. For example, I want to improve my English. Sometimes I struggle with certain words and I think that with this internship in an English environment it will really help me achieve my ultimate goal of becoming bilingual. I also would like to learn new vocabulary words. It can always come in handy in a discussion.

- Learning strategies

The first learning strategy that I will use is practice because without it I don' think I could achieve my goal. I need to make some effort to accomplish my goal. If I have a difficulty with a word I can either try to make sense with my gesture or ask my tutor the word or the definition. The last strategy I will use is to talk to myself before speaking to someone else. I think it could be better if I search for more appropriate words instead of just saying commons one.

- First meeting

How to describe my first meeting... I would say it was interesting because at Children's World Academy it was their first time hosting an internship from André-Laurendeau. I met with Mr. David Estok, the principal of this private school. He explained to me what I would be doing in the school. I have to admit that I was happy when he gave me the choice of which opportunity I would like to be part of. I choose to help out with the daycare. I had the opportunity to have a guided tour of the school with the daycare "chef". She also showed me where to enter and gave me a badge I would need to work there. They both, Mr. Estok and the woman, seemed really nice people and they both had a very good sense of humour. It helped me to drop all the pressure I had on my shoulders.

- Pre-internship

My concerns for this internship are mostly about being appreciate by the kids and the people with who I work with. I had a very good first impression with everyone I've met. They all seemed to be there for me and I think they all want us to accomplish what we are there for.

jeudi 5 septembre 2013

Welcome to my blog!
Hi my name is Emilie , i'm from Andre-Laurendeau's cegep and i'm in the trilinguilism
 program. So, this session I have to do an internship. I don't know yet where it is and what
 it's going to be like.. I'm a shy person and I hope to get out of my "bubble" in this